how to get rid of mice home remedies

Amazing Home Remedies That Will Make Mice Disappear for Good!

Dealing with a mice infestation in your home can be a nuisance, as these tiny rodents can carry diseases, cause damage to your property, and leave a trail of feces. If you want to get rid of mice using home remedies, there are several effective options to try. From baiting and trapping mice to using ultrasonic devices and natural deterrents like peppermint oil and ammonia, these DIY methods can help you eliminate mice from your home and prevent future infestations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Home remedies offer effective ways to eliminate mice infestations without harsh chemicals.
  • Baiting and trapping mice using various types of traps can be an efficient DIY method.
  • Using natural deterrents like peppermint oil and ammonia can repel mice from your home.
  • Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are annoying to mice and can supplement other methods.
  • Preventive measures such as sealing entryways and keeping your home clean can help deter mice.

Baiting and Trapping Mice

When it comes to getting rid of mice, baiting and trapping is a tried and true method that has been used for years. There are various types of mouse traps available, from the classic snap traps to more modern electronic versions. These traps are designed to catch and eliminate the mice, helping you regain control over your home.

If you prefer a more humane approach, you can opt for catch and release traps. These traps allow you to capture the mice without causing them harm, and then release them into a safe location far away from your home. Alternatively, you can make your own homemade mouse traps using simple household items.

DIY Mouse Trap Materials Needed
Bucket Trap Empty toilet paper roll, bucket
Can Trap Empty soda can, wooden dowel, bait (peanut butter)
Bottle Trap Empty plastic bottle, bait (cheese, bread)

To make a bucket trap, simply place an empty toilet paper roll on the edge of a bucket, balancing it in such a way that the mouse is tempted to climb in. You can place some enticing bait like a small piece of cheese or bread inside the roll to attract the mice. When the mice try to reach for the bait, they will fall into the bucket and won’t be able to climb out.

Remember to release the captured mice far away from your home to prevent them from finding their way back. Additionally, it’s essential to inspect and reset the traps regularly, as mice can be smart and cautious creatures that may avoid a trap if they sense danger.

Using Natural Deterrents

natural mouse repellents

When it comes to keeping mice away from your home, natural deterrents can be a safe and effective solution. Mice are known to be repelled by certain scents, such as cinnamon, peppermint, eucalyptus, vinegar, citronella, ammonia, bleach, and mothballs. By harnessing the power of these natural ingredients, you can create your own mouse repellent to deter these unwanted pests.

To create a natural mouse repellent, you can soak cotton balls in the oils or liquids that mice find repugnant. Place these cotton balls near areas of mouse activity, such as near their entry points or areas where they have been seen. The strong scent will act as a deterrent, making your home an unattractive environment for mice.

However, it’s important to use caution when placing these deterrents. If you suspect that mice are still inside your home, it’s best to avoid placing the repellents near entry points. Doing so may deter the mice from leaving and instead encourage them to find a new hiding spot within your home. Once you are certain that the mice are gone, you can strategically position the repellents near entrances to prevent the mice from returning.

By using natural deterrents, you can keep mice away from your home without the use of harmful chemicals or poisons. This not only ensures the safety of your family and pets but also promotes a more environmentally friendly approach to pest control.

Comparison of Natural Mouse Repellents

Repellent Scent Effectiveness Precautions
Cinnamon Strong, spicy scent Effective Avoid contact with sensitive areas like eyes or open wounds
Peppermint Strong, minty scent Effective Use caution around pets as it can be toxic to them in large quantities
Eucalyptus Strong, medicinal scent Moderate Avoid prolonged inhalation as it may cause respiratory irritation
Vinegar Sharp, acidic scent Moderate Avoid contact with surfaces that may be damaged by acid
Citronella Fresh, citrus-like scent Moderate Avoid contact with eyes or open wounds
Ammonia Pungent, strong scent Effective Use in well-ventilated areas to prevent inhaling fumes
Bleach Strong, chlorine scent Effective Avoid contact with skin or eyes, use in well-ventilated areas
Mothballs Pungent, moth-repelling scent Effective Avoid direct contact with skin or inhalation, keep away from children and pets

Remember, natural deterrents may vary in effectiveness depending on the severity of the mice infestation and the specific preferences of the mice in your area. It may be necessary to experiment with different scents to find the most effective repellent for your home.

Trying Ultrasonic Devices

If you’re looking for a safe and organic mouse control solution, ultrasonic devices may be worth considering. These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are annoying to mice and other rodents but are completely inaudible to human ears. By using ultrasonic mouse repellent, you can deter mice from your home without the use of harmful chemicals or traps.

While the effectiveness of ultrasonic devices can vary, they can be used in combination with other mice deterrents for added effectiveness. Integrating ultrasonic devices with natural remedies, such as peppermint oil or ammonia, can create a more potent defense against mice infestations.

It’s essential to consider the presence of cats and dogs in your home when using ultrasonic devices. While these devices are designed to be silent to humans, they emit sound frequencies that can be detected by cats and dogs. Keep this in mind to ensure the well-being and comfort of your pets.


If you’re dealing with a mice problem in your home and prefer natural methods, there are several effective home remedies for getting rid of mice that you can try. Baiting and trapping mice, using natural deterrents like peppermint oil and ammonia, and trying ultrasonic devices are all proven ways to eliminate mice from your living space.

When it comes to baiting and trapping, you can opt for conventional snap traps or more humane catch and release traps. Homemade mouse traps made from common household items can also be effective. Remember to release captured mice far away from your property to prevent them from returning.

In addition to trap-based methods, natural deterrents like peppermint oil and ammonia can help keep mice away. These scents are known to repel mice, so placing cotton balls soaked in these oils or liquids near areas of mice activity can be a useful deterrent. Ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds can also be used as a complement to other mouse control methods.

To prevent future mouse infestations, it’s essential to take preventive measures such as sealing entryways, maintaining cleanliness in your home, and eliminating potential nesting materials. By following these home remedies for mouse infestation and implementing preventive strategies, you can effectively get rid of mice and enjoy a pest-free living environment.


How do I get rid of mice using home remedies?

There are several effective home remedies for getting rid of mice. Baiting and trapping mice, using natural deterrents, and trying ultrasonic devices are all effective methods you can try.

What types of mouse traps can I use?

You can use various types of mouse traps, such as snap traps or electronic versions, to catch and eliminate mice. Catch and release traps are also available for a more humane approach. Additionally, you can make your own mouse trap using household items.

What are some natural deterrents that repel mice?

Mice are repelled by scents like cinnamon, peppermint, eucalyptus, vinegar, citronella, ammonia, bleach, and mothballs. Soak cotton balls in these oils or liquids and place them near areas of mice activity to deter them from entering or lingering.

Are ultrasonic devices effective in getting rid of mice?

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are annoying to mice and other rodents. While their effectiveness may vary, they can be used in combination with other mice deterrents for added effectiveness.

What should I do to prevent mice from entering my home?

To prevent mice from entering your home, seal any entryways they may use, keep your home clean, and remove potential nesting materials. Taking these preventive measures can help deter mice from entering your home in the first place.

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